Bringing over 60 years of industry experience to employee benefit plans

We serve as a trusted advisor to multiemployer, public sector and single-employer retirement and health plans, helping bring high quality benefits to working and retired people.

Who we serve

We provide consulting, actuarial and communications services to more than 200 clients in a variety of industries. In addition to our multiemployer clients, this also includes public sector employers, municipalities, unions, associations, transit authorities, school districts, and corporations, among others.

Multiemployer plans

When Rael & Letson was established over 60 years ago, our first clients were multiemployer plans, and that remains our largest client base today. Serving multiemployer retirement and health & welfare plans with actuarial and consulting services is not part of what we do—it is at the heart of what we do. We are especially proud of the long-term relationships which we have built with our clients.

We recognize the unique challenges faced by collectively bargained benefit plans, and provide expertise in the following:

  • Consulting on insured and self-funded benefit plans
  • Defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans
  • Legislative and regulatory compliance
  • Bargaining support
  • Vendor and carrier negotiations and contract review
  • Participant and retiree benefit communications
  • Plan merger analysis and feasibility studies


We serve clients in a wide range of industries with defined benefit and/or defined contribution retirement plans; health benefit plans of any type; and retiree health plans.

  • Automotive
  • Bakers
  • Bricklayers
  • Carpenters
  • Cement Masons
  • Cities/Counties
  • Concession Vendors
  • Education
  • Electrical Workers
  • Entertainment
  • Fire Districts
  • Floor Covering
  • Glaziers
  • Growers
  • Hotel & Restaurant
  • Insulators and Asbestos Workers
  • Ironworkers
  • Janitors
  • Laborers
  • Lathers
  • Longshore
  • Machinists
  • Maritime
  • Municipalities
  • Nonprofits
  • Office and Professional
  • Operating Engineers
  • Pipe Trades
  • Plasterers
  • Plumbers
  • Roofers
  • Service Employees
  • Sheet Metal
  • Sign Pictorial and Display
  • Single Employer plans
  • Teamsters
  • Theatrical
  • Tile industry
  • Transit Authorities
  • Transportation
  • United Food and Commercial Workers

Public sector

Our public sector clients include counties, cities, school/college districts, public employer funds, transit authorities, and employee associations such as firefighters.

Our many years of experience—both with retirement and health & welfare plans—have made us sensitive to the unique challenges faced by public plans, and we are experienced working with the collective bargaining component which exists with public sector clients, including:

  • For health benefit plans, we provide a comprehensive scope of consulting services to our public sector clients, including design of benefit programs, forecasting of plan costs, and setting of reserves.
  • For retiree health benefit plans, our dedicated Retiree Health team works with many public sector plans, performing annual or biennial actuarial valuations for plans of retiree welfare benefits (also known as Other Post-Employment Benefits or OPEB) under GASB 74/75, as well as providing other consulting and analysis as needed.
  • For retirement plans, we provide a comprehensive scope of consulting and actuarial services, including evaluating the impact of public pension reform legislation such as PEPRA. We also provide financial disclosure services required under GASB 67/68.